List of types and types of products
DISCONNECTORS, three phase, OP type
INSULATORS for high-voltage heaters of the VENA type for railway cars
FLANGE, PANEL, PLANE mounting; cups for installation of open electrical wiring in retro style
Nozzles and sandblasting inserts
LOW-channel insulators; multichannel blocks for heaters of collar, shroud, ring, flat
PLATES, lining plates, mounting strips, substrates, gaskets, ceramic parts with holes,
insulators for electric heaters, passthrough insulators,
BEADS for electric heaters, type ECI, insulators for spiral aplliance heaters
ADAPTORS, ceramic checkpoint insulators male/female
HEATER, high voltage insulators for industrial plates, boilers and ignition systems of industrial units
DISKS and disks with openings
TUBES, ceramic high-temperature high-voltage tubes of non-standard configurations and sizes, tubular insulators, telescopic couplings of arbitrary length
STARTERS, CENTERS, rod guides,
GUIDELINES, dies, wires, blowers for thread, wire guides, coils
Washers, flat and corrugated
MEASURES of glue, liquids, emulsions, ceramic sprays
Wiring harnesses (insulator) flat and round
FRAMEWORKS for winding wire: resistance, inductance
Crucibles, high-temperature capsules, laboratory crucibles
Sensor housing
Housing for non-standard lamps, housing for LED lamps
DIFFUSER (nozzle, spray,) of ignition systems, combustion
RINGS of different sizes
Spark ingitor housing
SUPPORT insulators, plugs, reference insulators for part heating and glaze melting
Spark plug insulator for internal combustion engines
Taper, pyramidal insulators
FIXERS, clamps, inserts,
ROTARY INSERT, inserts guides,
Ceramic regulator handles